Some creature development for a personal project of mine. Using z-brush as a thumbnail generator allows for many happy accidents:) These Thumbnails were made by using a default model and filling it in black in z-brush, then using the layers changing and pushing and pulling the shapes around, then carry them into photoshop. Focusing mostly on the design and silhouette shapes and not the details.
Z-brush master Cesar Decol Jr. is doing a creature design workshop where he goes into detail about this technique. He's a great teacher, I watched a webinar recently that he conducted with Ryan Kingslien of and learned tons. Definately take a look around the site, these guys know thier stuff.
I am an Art Director/ freelance illustrator working in the Movie, Comics and Gameing industries. I have also provided graphics for advertisement companies and clothing companies. I am Currently working as Lead Artist for Soul Interface Studios (SIS) and always willing to discuss exciting new opportunities.
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