Hey everyone out there in cyber space, I have some shameless self promotion that I can use your help with :) I am trying to get my book published by the fine folks over at
Sketchoholic.com. What I need from you fine folks is A. To head on over to my projects page and press the Push To Shelf Button, to help push and vote for my book to get published. It's free, you can get over there and vote by clicking
HERE. If and when I reach 200 pushes, they will work with me to publish and promote my book, And B.(this ones also free, free is good) Please help spread the word by sharing the
link and info to all of your favorite social media sites. What's in it for you, you may ask, well for one it's good Karma, and also all the pushers will have their names and a URL (if you have a site to promote) printed in the book as a thanks for backing it. Plus I will be forever grateful and able to continue sharing my art with the world, AWWWWWWW. Isn't that sweet. So please head on over and
help Push my project and help spread the word ( cuz, we all know sharing is caring). O.K. shameless self promotion is over for now, so here is some more art for you to enjoy:) Below is a painting that started out as a sketch done for a fan of my art and aspiring artist, in his sketchbook. I made sure I got a pic of the sketch so I can paint over it. I always love signing autographs and sketching for people. It forces you to work purely from imagination and only reference what you have in your mind. In this case it was artist H.R. Giger, Bernie Wrightson, Simon Bisley, Carlos Huante, and the movie Prometheus. Thanks for stopping by, and helping out with my book project. Enjoy!!!!!
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