This is a picture of a collector toy my wife got me for my birthday a few years back. I guess I'm kind of a fan:)

And a picture of my subject, Al Pacino in character as Tony Montana, "your never gonna see another bad guy like me, let me tell you."

This a quick breakdown of my process along with the process shots. I did this all in photoshop. First I start with a loose sketch and blocking in tones.

Next I make a new layer and fill it with a medium grey to tone the canvas. I lower the opacity so that my original sketch shows through, and on a new layer I proceed to clean up the sketch adding details to the face and background, all in greyscale.

more of the same, getting the tonal values right and trying to keep all the attention on his face, which I want to be the main focus of the piece.

Now I start to think about color, so I glaze the canvas with a brown and contrasting blue hue.

Here I continue to make adjustments and add colors, separating the character from the scenery. I also continue to refine the drawing along the way, which has still remained pretty loose.

All that is left is the details and finally the textures, and what would a Scarface caricature be without all of the cocaine.

I hope you enjoyed reading my process as much as I enjoyed Painting it and that you may have learned something that will benefit and motivate you in your own creations.
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