These concepts were done as a test for Billy Patton of Vizual Fx studios. The first is a page of quick character ideas done in a silhouette style of ideation. Working in small black and white silos allow me to generate tons of character variations quickly, by freeing my mind of thinking in details, and instead focusing on the graphic and shape aesthetic of the character. Next I chose a few silos that I liked and worked them up to a rough detailed version of the character in and out of armor. The second to last piece is a concept of an all terrain attack vehicle. The small silhouette is placed next to the vehicle to provide a size reference for the vehicle. Last is a concept for a high rise apartment complex that will be inhabited by a race of feline type humanoids. The photo of the cat furniture was my inspiration for the shape of the building.
I am an Art Director/ freelance illustrator working in the Movie, Comics and Gameing industries. I have also provided graphics for advertisement companies and clothing companies. I am Currently working as Lead Artist for Soul Interface Studios (SIS) and always willing to discuss exciting new opportunities.
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