With these I like to draw my inspiration from film. My main focus when sketching a scene is trying to capture an action taking place and to try and establish location within the story. When working on a comic book, the establishing shot plants the reader in a set location. When done properly, once you establish a scene you don't have to repeat the background as much throughout the page, not until the story changes location. These next couple of sketches are more of an action taking place than an establishing shot. An establishing shot would normally be an exterior or interior background or landscape. A figure or two may be thrown in the picture to establish scale and proportion. Establishing shots can be panoramic and are often times far shots and not close-ups. There are always exceptions to the rules of course.
With an action scene I try to capture the action with an interesting camera angle, lighting and body language.
I am an Art Director/ freelance illustrator working in the Movie, Comics and Gameing industries. I have also provided graphics for advertisement companies and clothing companies. I am Currently working as Lead Artist for Soul Interface Studios (SIS) and always willing to discuss exciting new opportunities.
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