Just uploaded some new t-shirts, magnets, stickers, and more to my online store. Go to www.woundedlamb.com and click on the section called DARAF's store, and spend some money.
My Mother , Rosa Diaz passed away this morning at 7:00 a.m. I praise GOD that she is no longer suffering. Thank you for giving me life. I'll see you again Mom, but not yet. RAF
New Graffiti piece I recently uploaded to my online store. Inspiration for the girl came to me after watching the Grindhouse flick "DeathProof" by Quintin Tarantino. The vertical graffiti reads "DARAF". I sketched the girl in one of my sketchbooks and a good friend of mine had me tattoo it on him. You can see a picture of the tattoo in an earlier post on this blog and on the tattoo section of my website. You can also buy a t-shirt, hoodie sweatshirt, and more by going to my site www.woundedlamb.com and visiting the section labeled DARAF's store.
I am an Art Director/ freelance illustrator working in the Movie, Comics and Gameing industries. I have also provided graphics for advertisement companies and clothing companies. I am Currently working as Lead Artist for Soul Interface Studios (SIS) and always willing to discuss exciting new opportunities.