So it's been awhile since my last post, as I have been busy juggling a lot of projects, but I can't pass up the opportunity to post some creepy stuff this time of year. First I have to mention that vol.2 of Rodney Dollah's Little Book Of Monsters is now available right in time for Halloween. I had some of my work featured in vol. 1 and this year's volume is even bigger than the last one. It features some seriously talent artist from all over the world (I'm in good company), So if you are a lover of monsters don't miss out, you can order your copy and learn more about the project
here. This is a cool and unique project as it is released every year right on time for Halloween and features a very diverse group of artist.
...And that brings me to my H.P. Lovecraft piece. The publisher of Little Book Of Monsters asked if I would put together an H.P. Lovecraft painting to go along with my tribute to H.R. Giger for Vol. 3. You can check out the H.R. Giger
here. Of course I said Hell Yes :) Below is my caricature / portrait of H.P. Lovecraft. If your not familiar with this writer you can read about him at this Wikipedia article
here. I also included a little poster I put together of some of my other work depicting various things that go bump in the night. Thanks for stopping by, Sweet Dreams :)